With the 70th anniversary of FDR's "2nd Bill of Rights Speech in Jan of 2014, I decided to visit his retreat in Georgia...

Franklin D. Roosevelt came to this spot in 1924 looking to recover from Polio disease...

The "Little White House consists of a museum as well as the home, which is in the rear of the site...

Eleanor Roosevelt is mentioned here much including her UN work...

Eleanor was a key contributor to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights...

Getting much mentioning here was The New Deal Programs (WPA, TVA, REA, etc.)...

Compare the actions of the President then to the President today on dealing with economic downturns...

A cap from the Civilian Conversation Corps...

There were at least 40 New Deal programs implemented during FDR's administration between 1933 and 1938...

Some of these programs such as Social Security, Securities and Exchange Commission, & FDIC are still with us today, but are in danger of being eliminated...

Listing of the New Deal program timeline continuing...

The Rural Electrification Administration benefited many farmers, who otherwise could not get electricity from private companies who claimed it was not profitable to provide it to rural communities...

When FDR saw his Warm Springs cottage electric bill cost 4 times than what he paid in New York, that was the spring board for establishing REA...

Rooseelt gave 30 direct address to the American Public on various topics during his "Fireside Chats" : Banking, Judicial Reform, Drought Conditions...

The Roosevelt family has a Dutch background...

The original name, "Van Rosevelt"...

Card describing family crest...

Walter Cronkite narrated the film, "Presidential Portrait, FDR at Warm Springs"...

John F. Kennedy giving speech expressing his awe and gratitude standing at FDR's cottage in Warm Springs in 1960 before becoming President...

A description of the Pine Mountain Valley project...

Roosevelt gave many great speeches. Unfortunately, there is no sign of his April 29, 1938 speech to Congress on Fascism—ownership of Government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power ...

Excerpts from his Green Bay 1934 speech...


Unfortunately, there is also NO reference to perhaps his greatest speech in January 11, 1944, his proposal of an Economic Bill of Rights (i.e. Right to userful and renumerative job, health care, pensions, education, etc)...

Flares of militarism & conquest, terrorism, & intolerance can describe the United States today...

More speech excepts expressing confidence in the average citizen...

Photo Op? Perhaps, but worth it for publicizing the New Deal programs...

There would be dozens of Secret Service agents in the photo if it was done today...

Photo of FDR's cottage in Warm Springs, GA, named "The Little White House"...

The Kitchen...

It can really get hot in Georgia during the summer months as I can attest being a native...

FDR's desk presented to him by workers benefiting from Civil Works Administration New Deal program...

FDR's desk again...

FDR's bedroom, including the bed where he died...

Card describing where FDR died...

The president's bathroom, plenty of time spent pondering various subjects...

Famous Life magazing photo of Graham W. Jackson, Sr, a famous theatre organist, pianst, & choir conductor, playing on the accordion, "Goin Home", as FDR's funeral train left Warm Sprigs in April 1945...

The unfinished painting of FDR being done when he suddenly took ill and died...

Elizabeth Shoumatoff was the portrait painter at the time of his death...

A completed version of FDR's portrait done after his death...

FDR was not a perfect President (i.e. imprisioning Japanese-American citizens during WWII, only bailing out banks first in 1933, etc), but comparing him to the likes of Reagan, Clinton, Bush I & II, & Obama, FDR was arguably the best US President...

How did FDR die? Was it really a natural death, or was he poisioned by sinister forces aligned with Big Financial / anti-labor / neo-fascist interests?...